Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Progress

Well, I'm working it!  I had a goal to complete many unfinished projects by the end of February.  I didn't get them all done but I"m happy with my progress.  If I look back at the posts about completing them, I still have some to do.  However, I have the following projects finished: 

1.  Bedroom curtains hemmed and rehung.
2.  Tote bag for Cindy, my sister.
3.  Tote bag for baby shower gift.
4.  Muslin made, mailed, and returned for niece's pajama bottoms.
5.  Skirt for niece, Karin.

Baby tote bag

So, I need to stay committed for the following:

1. Bedspread needs 2 seams sewn.
2.  2 pairs of PJs.
3.  Tablecloth for living room.

I would like to add four more projects:

1.  A cloth doll for niece, Laura.
2.  Baby blanket for friend's daughter.
3.  Blanket for son, Mathew.
4.  PJs for me.

Of course, I need to get this done in between ALL the rest of the things women do!!!  Piece of cake!!!!

1 comment:

Lia said...

this is such a beautiful bag :) I love the print too! well done :D