Since I started this blog, I have had some issues! I look at many blogs and notice how nicely created the blogs look and have no idea how women have done this. I saw this blogger's bootcamp and wonder if it might help me (it certainly can't hurt me!). I live in the Phoenix area and could easily attend. Has anyone in blogland atttended bootcamp and could comment on what they had learned from the experience. If you're interested, visit the website:
When I think of bootcamp, I think there has to be some type of pain involved!
Hi Kim, I think your blog is just great the way it is! Let's ride that new blogger learning curve together. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog.
I would so love to attend the Phoenix Bloggy bootcamp. I know Tiffany, the organizer and SITSGirl gal. She's amazing and super fun so I'm sure anything she's involved with will be wonderful. Speaking of the learning curve, I still can't figure out how to place the SITSGirls badge on my blog :o)
SITSGirls is a great way to give and gain support to/from fellow bloggers.
Keep up the good work Kim!
Thank you so much for your kind words. I was able to get May 1st off work to attend the blogger's bootcamp and I'm very excited about it. I'm so green around the gills regarding blogging; it's almost embarrassing. But I intend to learn. I visited the STITSGirl's blog after you mentioned it. I was able to grab their button and now it sits in my sidebar! It felt incredibly good to have accomplished something like this. All you need to do is go to their website and copy the text just below their button and then paste it on the web layout page were you can add a gadget. If you need help, just let me know. Again, thank you for your support. I hope I get to meet you here in Phoenix if you're able to attend the blogger's bootcamp.
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